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After a fantastic shootout lap, James would start the race from Pole Position. Sam ran a tremendous opening double stint before handing the reins back to James to complete the job. It was a closely fought battle with fellow Altus car piloted by Jordan Caruso and Cooper Webster, running 1-2 for a lot of the race, along with the Synergy Sim Racing #143 entry of Souslin-Harlow and Ross. In the end though, the #088 of Scott and Blacklock would prevail to claim their second ever win in V8 SCOPS, ahead of the SSR #143 with Jordan and Cooper rounding out the podium!

It was also a good showing for our Enduro Cup entries of Zachary Hanlin and Beau Albert, and Oval ace Matt Danson and Team Manager Simon Feigl. Both featured inside the top 10 at various stages of the race, however both would finish outside the top 10.

Nevertheless, it was a fantastic result for the team and a great start of the Enduro Cup!

P1 James Scott / Sam Blacklock
P3 Jordan Caruso / Cooper Webster
P12 Zachary Hanlin / Beau Albert
P18 Matt Danson / Simon Feigl

Logitech G | Virtual Racing School | Cube Controls | – Better Game Streaming | Sam Blacklock Media | Racetech NZ

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