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Esports Racing Team Association (ERTA) Launched!

Today a new Esports Racing Team Association (ERTA) became operational, with the objective of the association is to give teams in the Esports racing landscape, that is currently undergoing great change, their own voice and lend them more weight in the collaboration with sim platforms, game developers, race series, car manufacturers and drivers.

Altus Esports are very proud to announce that we are one of the founding members of this new initiative, and have joined 11 other fellow teams from around the world in ERTA. These include:

  • Team ad hoc gaming
  • Biela Racing
  • BS+Competition
  • Buttler-Pal-Motorsport
  • CoRe SimRacing
  • MSI eSports
  • Race Clutch
  • Red Bull Racing Esports / G2 Esports Sim Racing
  • Team Redline
  • Williams Esports

Altus Esports Team Manager Simon Feigl said of the new association, “As each year goes by, our great Esport has become more and more professional. With that brings a real need for greater structure, and a shared voice from the leading racing teams of the world. ERTA will bring about this structure, and Altus Esports is proud to be one of the founding members and represent the Oceanic region in assisting to shape our Esport.”

We’re looking forward to working with other great minds as part of this journey, along with VCO who are an active party also within the association.

Full Press Release:

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