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2nd Place Finish in 6 Hours of the Glen

After Simone Maria Marcenò set a brilliant Pole Position lap in the DP class, we had a very strong opening, leading the first stint of the race and having a great battle with CoRe SimRacing. However we would both gather damage with the strong racing at the front, and would lose some time repairing the front in the opening stop, and losing the lead.

The damage would not end there however, with Simone escaping with not one but two near race ending moments with one being a car stricken across the circuit and the other being from a dangerous rejoin from a GTE car, with us having no choice but to hit the outside wall firmly costing time but more importantly damage that would not be able to be repaired. This damage we carried through into Zachary Hanlin’s triple stint, which was a welcome return to the Special Event scene after a long time away. He performed fantastically well, pumping out consistent fast laps and keeping the cars in front honest throughout.

Simone then had one final stint to bring the car home, however it would have to be an extra long stint to avoid a splash and dash. Simone saved the required 2 Litres across the stint to finish in 2nd place, behind race winners Evolution Racing Team.

For our ASTRO Gaming Ferrari GTE team, Marin Čolak did a wonderful job in putting the Ferrari right amongst the favoured BMWs in P3 on the grid. The performance however would be tough in the race, with the pace drifting away after 30 minutes in the stint. The team would have some computer problems also which would curtail the team’s performance, however they did well to bounce back from dropping as low as P8, to finish in P5 for the race and the fastest Ferrari, with Vedran also making a welcome return after a long time away from the track.

Another special event has finished, and our last for our first year in competition. Stay tuned for a celebration next week of Altus Esports’ first year in competition. It has certainly been a successful one!

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