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5th Place in grueling Bathurst 12 Hour

The iRacing Bathurst 12 Hour is always a gruelling affair, and like in previous years we had hopes of a strong result leading into the race. Josh Anderson did an excellent job of knabbing P3 in qualifying in the Logitech G Audi, and would settle into a pretty good rhythm behind the former Williams Esports BMW pairing running in as Team #33, and the Coanda Simsport Audi. However after a difficult time with traffic in the opening hour, we would end up with significant damage to the steering and aero, resulting in a significant loss of straight line speed and bent steering, leaving us right hand down for the remaining 11 hours.

True grit and determination from the trio of Anderson, Dayne Warren and Andrew Kahl would see them come back despite a slow and ill handling Audi, and a disconnect just after the mid way point of the race, to push on and achieve as best a result as possible. They were rewarded with a 5th place finish, and it was a true testament of what sheer determination can sometimes bring.

For the ASTRO Gaming BMW, Jackson Souslin Harlow would start the race around mid-pack having missed out in qualifying on getting the most out of the tyre, however would have a fantastic opening stint to move up to 8th place by the first pitstop.

Opting to take tyres in the opening stop, a charge through the double stinting train would continue to great success however disaster struck just prior to the second stop side to side contact with another GT3 would occur resulting in a massive crash for both cars, and dropping out of contention. They would take on all repairs to the car, however a further crash just prior to the mid-race point would give irreparable damage and the car had to be retired. A disappointing end for what was an exciting run to watch to that point.

Congratulations to Coanda Simsport on taking victory in the race, with Evolution Simsport and The ineX Racing Team rounding out the GT3 podium. We also congratulate all other finishers in the lower ranked splits, as a finish in the Bathurst 12 hour is often a victory in itself.

The 12 Hour may be over, however the action continues, with Sports Car Open kicking off at Barcelona in less than 12 hours time, with Tuomas Tähtelä and Yannick Lapchin behind the wheel. Stay tuned for that!


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